Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oil or grease, will I get mine?

Like many I am a little down today after a visit to the gas station. Really need to take a break from political crazies but I will dive in once again. Heard the first Federal Government task force charged to get us off foreign oil was 1973. 7 presidents and 38 years later and we still have no leadership on what some say is our most critical issue.  Our dependency went from 36% to now 66% dependency on foreign oil. There is little we as individuals can do as the Right is afraid to do anything that might raise prices for energy and the Left is busy greasing cronies and other entitled while adding another floor to our house of cards. The answer is outside political party turf as we defend our personal self interest our leaders only fiddle away. No side has done anything “for we the people” on this critical need of our nation. As fuel prices push to $5 a gallon as a result of printing worthless money, Mideast turmoil and purposeful Government action against free people helping themselves, we stand to suffer continued pain from our division and gutless politicians. The answer is not drilling more natural gas, it is not drilling more oil, it is not more nuclear, it is not more hydro, it is not more coal, it is not more green, it is not more conservation; it is all of the above and more. We must bite yet another bullet and sacrifice as we suffer higher energy prices but we must be suffering higher prices while we end foreign dependency and its traps. Now if we could just get our leaders to act and not just give us lip service while they exploit our bigotry and differences for their personal gain that would really be something. I feel our situation in regard to collective action is hopeless and see only continued rancor and selfishness with both entrenched camps slitting our nation’s throat. If current tiny efforts to reduce our credit card largess scheme for buying votes are any indication about “we the peoples” willingness to sacrifice, we are in very serious trouble (WEAC). Our political leaders have the grease thing down well but the oil thing looks like another impossible dream.

Oscar the Pig.

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