Friday, March 2, 2012


I believe in low taxes, limited government, strong defense, free markets, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. By the way this is also a plank of the “Log Cabin Republicans” platform. This makes me a political conservative. Socialists believe in high taxes, excessive government, limited defense and controlled markets. This makes them, the current connotation “liberal”. But one must remember we as humans, are all the same. We all have the same wants and needs. So why do some choose be so bigoted and hateful in the political arena. Many are one issue people who are blind or unwilling to see that supporting one side or the other by default forces them to go against their own beliefs on other issues. The lessening of Religious teaching and beliefs has caused many people to worship politicians and political dogma to fill the void. The results are a more selfish orientated society. “Tocqueville” The lessening of Religious teachings and individual growth has caused our 230 year experiment in multicultural freedom to be stressed. By default a free society must have good people who follow the “Golden Rule” “Again Tocqueville” Some are so blind they don’t realize mankind has danced through most human issues before. For thousands of years mankind lived under some form of tyranny. 1776 was a rebuke of tyranny of government, not an easy road or small change. The United States is at a crossroad. Remember all people are the same. Some people put down Homosexuals, some Homosexuals put down Religious People, both are wrong and both point to the lesser side of human nature we all have, neither is applying the golden rule, sad, very sad, especially for so-called Religious people who should know better. As a human I have trouble accepting some people who use their Religious or other beliefs to kill those whom they hate thus fear. The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths are great and wonderful Religious centers, but some Humans have used twisted selfish interpretations of their faiths to justify bigotry and the killing of the innocent. Humans have twisted all religions. That doesn’t make religion wrong, it makes some humans wrong. As Humans we put other people down to lift ourselves up, it is our nature. But as humans we can use Religion to guide self growth and understanding to overcome this shortcoming and not to do so, speaks volumes of our selfish nature. That is to say, some people can see when we slam or put down others we are only boosting our insecure little fearful minds, (not a good thing to display to the world). I try to remember when I point a finger at someone or groups three of my fingers are pointing at me. I must constantly remind myself, hate is the result of fear, and that fear must be routed out or the hate will consume my human spirit. Group think fits our human nature well too; it adds support to our beliefs. (Politicians use this human failing to their benefit to gain power). But group think laced with judgments and bigotry only shows we can get support for our innate fears and shortcomings (spurred on by power hungry politicians). It is when this lethal combination occurs; we generate fear in others and soon justify the chastisement and killing of them. Religion must be used for correcting our shortcomings and fears, never to garner support or to enhance our fear to hate. Human growth and understanding is a continuous process; it is not easy or for the faint of heart, it is truly the hardest human endeavor. To sit locked into our own fears is a much easier path, but that is not a good thing. Both Religious and Political fervor can lead to the death of others; that is Human nature and can never be stopped. We as individuals can only dampen its’ inevitable outcome and try not to be a part of it. Rodney King said it best with the question; “Can’t we all just get along?” The answer is;” no” if we don’t work to overcome our fears. Remember as humans we seek support, justification and affirmation for our beliefs and fears. We almost never seek to change even when our conscience tells us to. Not working daily to overcome our shortcomings makes us our own worst enemy.

A point of view and food for thought, I am the Oscar The Pig a Portly Grand Mystic Nobel of the Shrine. LOL

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