Saturday, March 3, 2012

Nattering nabobs of negativism. Who me?

I see the things around me and I am concerned. I see friends, relatives and a nation seeking drugs to find the easy way out. I watch as parents and the State drug our children to avoid doing their jobs. I have to listen to these same people justify the drugging of our children and justify their use of legal and illegal drugs that are destroying the core of their being. I have to watch the news about the killing, maiming and terror of the drug trade on our borders, in our cities and rural communities. All the horror and destruction enabled by the purveyors, users and justifiers of illegal drugs. These purveyors and users give new meaning to the words selfishness and blindness. I see people using prescription drugs to hide from themselves or society or simply addicts trying to be legal. I had to watch my good friend, forged in the crucible of war, for 27 years justify his prescription drug use and the need for society to accept his drug of choice till his death at 47, no one should have to see this. I have to watch as alcohol users bad mouth drug users, this is very hard to take when I know, and we all know alcohol is the greatest misery creator on earth. I see welfare remove the father from the family. I see the high taxes cause mothers to work even when a father takes responsibility and the children suffer. I see the wealthy get higher Social Security payments than the broken down 55 year old disabled laborer. I see the retired driving fancy cars and motor homes. I see the young families struggle the make ends meet, having to subsidize their retired wealthy neighbors. I watched my Government give hard earned tax dollars, first in welfare checks, and then school lunches, then food stamps, then school breakfast, then after school feeding, and finally WIC, and some children still go hungry with no parental responsibility required. I watched as a mining town had its’ mine closed by the Government and then it’s’ people locked into perpetual dependency by welfare, food stamps, social security, and IRRRB. I see as these same people scramble and cheat to get on disability, all the cogs of a culture of no responsibility created by our government. I watched as young pregnant women were presented with many choices. To get married and move on as a family, to live at home with their parents, to get federal grants for school and move on in life, to kill their fetus, to be given an apartment and receive welfare, all I knew took the apartment and welfare. Most remained trapped for 20 plus years, having kids at the prescribed time to continue or enhance benefits, yes they got pay raises.  I see the gutless politicians never working to correct the failed enabling nature of socialist programs only adding ever more spending and programs. Never understanding you can not do for others what they will not do for themselves. I see as our poor areas in large cities are maintained by the State. The sinister good will of the State destroying people’s live with dependency. I have watched as these “Ghettos” have become places where the local police dare not tread. And no one cares. You may well ask why don’t people move out and make a better life for themselves. I saw this first hand; the State sucks your very ability, self worth and social skills to grow as a human. I see well off retired citizens suck more and more from Nanny Government, never seeing it is their neighbors, children, and grandchildren who must pay. Always thinking the government pays or worse think they paid in for all they get. I have seen young relatives on welfare get grants for school and turn down jobs after because it required them to move or welfare benefits “Paid better”, always easily justified. I have also seen relatives spend their grant money on things other than training and not go to the training with no consequences. I see our governments pick and choose winners and losers, treat groups and people different with no outrage from my fellow citizens. I see my fellow citizens giving their freedom to the Government in the name of their own insecurity not understanding their insecurity will pass when they themselves do something about it or they pass. I see my fellow citizens ignorant of the sacrifice our fore fathers made for freedom and current defenders of freedom. Out of their ignorance I have to stand by and watch as they put their faith and trust into an ever power hungry government. Blinded by the lure of “free” government money or projecting their feelings about others, they will destroy our freedom and many politicians with a lust for power will help them. When the electorate shows a reverence for a leader, it is a truly unnerving spectacle. The Socialist people of North Korea revere their leader while starving and into the grave. Our Socialist fools do not understand they have hitched up to the wrong horse. They are sacrificing their own freedoms too and in the end they will get what all socialist get, a stagnant society sprinkled with government excesses like scapegoating other peoples or countries, choosing winners and losers, the killing of land owners, the killing of the handicap, the killing of old people, the killing of the opposition in general, I guess that’s me. And why is this so, as people become more and more unhappy with the less and less productive nature of socialism, the government in order to give the party members their due, will raise the cost of bread and we will riot in the streets like they do in Argentina. The government, to hold on to power, will then give the people an enemy to blame and the excesses will begin. Remember there will be no religious, moral, or spiritual underpinning other than faith in the almighty “Big Government”.  If you think this is not true, I should remind you the “Left” has already brought forward some “boogie men” by labeling several groups as unworthy of our “Socialist Heaven”. These groups are, Big Oil, Big Medicine, Christians, Wealthy, successful Entrepreneurs and self reliant people or groups. Take “Big Oil” for example. This industry has thousands of evil workers, very well paid, they can afford to send their kids to college and have no need for “Big government”. This can not be, and will be one of the first victims of “Big Socialism”. I see our country having ever increasing want and less and less productive businessmen and workers, because after all, the pays the same. A personal example, while living and working in the Twin Cities area a transfer required my family and me to move to another suburb. I wasn’t a bourgeoisie yet, so I was looking for rental property. We found a new townhouse development and stopped in to check it out. The wife and kids loved it so I sought out the rental office. The office worker told me the monthly rent was $350 per month; I thought wow $200 dollars less than I was paying and a better place. (Ignorance is bliss.) The clerk, I didn’t know why, had me fill out an income statement and then told me I didn’t qualify to live there. What you talking about “Willis”? The clerk told me I made $50 too much, what? He said this was government subsidized housing and I would have to pay the full $550 per month. I ran out of that Commie Pinko hole. I never heard of such BS. I always intended to pay what the rent was, $350 or $550 what is going on? Numbers raced through my head, my Government would never do this to people. I recently got a $75 merit pay raise, for you Socialists and unionists that means, I worked hard and was rewarded for it. The numbers told me my less than stellar co-worker who didn’t get the raise would qualify for the reduced rate and even though he was unproductive and made $75 less than me he would get a $200 subsidy putting his income per month $125 above mine. I found myself wanting to put garlic around my neck and hold a cross out. This was not the way of my Government, it couldn’t be. But it was. That was 29 years ago. By the way this is what the “Left” calls Economic Justice. I guess I had it coming for working hard. I do hope my old co-worker was not permanently locked into low achievement as the result of being paid for it. Why do these Socialists want us to go down this garden path even though a privately schooled 5th grader knows Socialism will fail? Because they fear their religions faith in “Party”, “Big Government” or “Charismatic Leaders” will prove false and they must push forward with their beliefs to show their beliefs to be true. The same old story, long taught in history to be one of the biggest human failings “Pride”. This is “exactly” the same false pride sweeping the Muslim world and some Christian groups and our home grown Socialist Fools don’t see it. We do not all fit into the same square hole. I am as worried as a chubby girl working in the State Department oops I forgot, oral sex isn’t sex, like economic justice isn’t Socialism. The average wage and benefits for American private sector workers is about $27, the public worker average is $39, I can see the tears of pride in many an old member of the “People’s Commissar”. The time may soon be at hand when we need to “find our Freedom again” if not for ourselves, for the children. I truly believe all of us are trying to be the best we can in life, but we must never let our pride keep us defensive or not seeing the whole picture and consequences of what we do, no matter the intensions. Please choose wisely when voting. Nattering-yes, negativism- yes, and nabob- I don’t qualify.

I am Oscar the Pig.

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