What is the status of Al Gore’s global warming?
I wonder if Mr. Gore’s God is aware of his lack of humility.
Arrogance mainly based on political bigotry, is not a good thing. I am not a
learned man but I do know weather predicted by religious prophets, internet creating
political hacks and certified meteorologists is likely flawed. Most scientists
agree Ice ages are cyclical. I humbly agree with this. It can be safely said we
are probably heading into another ice age at some point in the future. The 3
miles of ice above our heads here in Wisconsin started melting about 10,000
years ago and glaciers have been receding with minor natural interruptions
world wide ever since. I guess Al feels the co2 man generates will prevent an
Ice Age from happening or slow its’ arrival. Maybe he believes we will have
palm trees here in Wisconsin .
I feel humbly and with very limited understanding that global temperature lags
the change of ocean salinity and sun spot/magnetic activity, co2 having
insignificant or no impact. I see an Ice Age coming at some point in the next
5,000 years or so, give or take, maybe, not eggs frying on permafrost. Over my
life span on mother earth, I have witnessed chicken little’s predict a fast coming
ice age, no oxygen, and ozone holes that will cover the earth tomorrow but
tomorrow never comes. I have seen enviro zealots destroy peoples’ livelihood
with overreaching laws as they dance on to their next Religious rapture. I have
grown weary of group think, political driven science, and bull shit. By the way
while working as an early tech (1971-1978) to develop multiuser microwave as
well as land line data links and associated hard ware, Mr. Baran and DARPA ideas
drove the work not Algore. Mr. Gore’s exact words to Wolf Blitzer were “I took
the initiative in creating the Internet”. You like many self-aggrandizing
politicians Al have created a credibility gap with me. As each successive
generation of affluent occurs it seems to me we humans have more and more time
to latch on and indulge in dogma and beliefs we are not really qualified to. I
think we feel we must make sense of all the new knowledge generated. I do like
Al Gore; he gives an old fart a reason to ponder life’s dilemmas. I am mindful
we humans are all the same. We all live lives of quiet desperation only some
are more desperate than others, at times, maybe, I think. If anyone knows when
all the Polar Bears will die please let me know. Do the bears die only when a
Republican is in office much like there are only homeless people when a
Republican is President, I need to know these things?
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