Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Really Big Secret

Some on the Right and a few on the Left are concerned about the over reach of the NSA, I am not. The NSA (National Security Agency) is controlled by the Executive branch of our government with guide lines from our Legislative branch. Any law breaking or overreach by the NSA can be corrected by its Boss at any time. If the NSA is operating on its own (which I will never believe) it is a failure of leadership which to can also be corrected. Secrets are hard to keep even within our most sensitive areas of national security. It is not these secrets that worry me it is the “Big Secret”.

With the help of much of our once vigilant News Media, lust for political power and legislation of the heart not the mind many Americans have created and now protect the “Big Secret”. Politicians knowingly slit Liberties throat in exchange for power. Many Americans think Government printing presses are a good way to generate wealth. Many never think of the consequences of striping future generation’s wealth (vote buying) to fill our needs for today. If adults were sent bills from their children and grandchildren for the trillions we have stolen from them maybe some would change the way they vote but this is doubtful as human nature trumps the obvious when it comes to money.

The “Big Secret” that I am alluding to is the object failure of our 50 year “War on Poverty”. Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, our Federal and State governments have spent $18 trillion (in inflation-adjusted) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, all the military wars in U.S. history have cost a total of $6.4 trillion (also inflation-adjusted). Never mind the proven axiom “You can not do for people what they won’t do for them selves”. On March 16, 1964 President Johnson began the “War on Poverty” the poverty rate was 15% and falling from a 24% rate in 1959, after 50 years and 18 trillion dollars our poverty rate is at 15%. “We have bankrupted our children for nothing”, what a waste, some secret hey.

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