Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Politics of Name Calling

Some may see a deflection or deception in a claimed name. Name calling can work too, if the name fits and is not just a slam. But I think we all can agree the less name calling the better. The level of nastiness indicates the amount of frustration, insecurity and division many feel. At this time in our history we are a Nation in decline. Many who see government as the answer cling desperately to its apron while others see freedom being destroyed to appease the dependent at the expense of freedom and opportunity for future generations. The denying of Representative Democracy in Wisconsin was probably the first act in a pending civil war between our two very diverse camps. Many do not realize that entitled dependency on government is now perpetuated by the destruction of freedom. We are at war with ourselves and choosing a side is not always straight forward or easy. Colorful metaphors can help relieve stress for some. For those who see more and more Government action and cry out for still more it may be the very long term results of Government control that is destroying our nation. Business formation and subsequent job creation is fighting a many front battle with Government tax policy, inflation policy, environmental regulation, long delaying judicial cases and mandates too numerous to list. The working poor struggle under a 50% regressive tax burden to live of life of stress and depravation with the promise of money and benefits at the end when their bodies and spirit are feeble from government tormenters. Money that won’t be there because the greedy of this generation do not wish to give up a dime. To live and die without ever having the opportunity to save your own hard earned money and create their own personal security because some do gooding power hungry politician feels half your money is his to buy votes with is beyond a shame. I say to the so called progressive, entitled dependent nanny state worshipers, socialist, communist, Government Party members, knee jerk liberals, hippy cloud jumper, freedom hating usurpers of our democracy, kiss off. I feel better. LOL

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