Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pity the Fool? Excuse me Mr. Ryan.

A brave Paul Ryan the soon to be pariah from the (progressive) State of Wisconsin has timidly stepped to the plate to strike back at the mountain of Federal Debt. Having heard of the token 4 trillion dollars over ten years cutbacks on Federal outlays, I find Ryan’s proposals way too little way too late. For his actions Ryan will be bloodied by the political hacks from every largess dependent group. All the same hacks that say sacrifices must be made “but” just not by them. If the “third graders” in elementary school were aware of the debt their parents are dumping on them they would write a new bill that would cut 3 or 4 times the amount proposed by Ryan. Then the third graders would tell their parents and grandparents “you have to pay back the allowances you have so greedily stolen from future generations”. Most third graders would also say because Government Party members can vote themselves a check, it doesn’t make it right and this practice must end.

Mr. Ryan will be accused of wanting to starve children, old folks, and middle class leaches. He will be accused of taking crutches from the disabled. He will get the full attack from bigots and class warfare hacks. For what, a token effort to reduce the volume of slop in the trough? He will only succeed at best in angering the entitled dependent slaves to socialist programs and those who profit from enabling the status quo. These same politically dependent slaves who will never do anything to save my grandchildren’s future. As President Obama’s war chest swells to over 1 Billion dollars bolstered by those seeking to buy power for maintaining the status quo, I say good luck with your fool moves Mr. Ryan. I feel we have become a nation were most citizens want a “Government Party” and they enjoy their entitled and dependent status paid for on the backs of their children. Many will say, “how dare you Mr. Ryan mess with this golden egg, stealing from powerless children has worked, is working and the kids protest not”.

I give Mr. Ryan kudos for volunteering to be the victim of the American Dependency Industry; however I will work to have him removed from office for his half hearted uncommitted attempt to save the children. For me committed leaders to save my grandkids future have yet to show up. Half measures will only serve to slow down the slitting of our nations throat and the theft of my grandkid’s future. I guess I would rather have it over quickly by doing nothing like many lefty hacks will propose. At least then the kids can pick up the pieces and start over. Mr. Ryan like many other progressives misjudges the American people seeking the deliverance of our nation from the stealing of children’s money to grease adults for votes through unsustainable socialism. Many wanted Mr. Ryan to hit a home run, his bunt will not do.

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