Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stinking Politics

Well I can’t get any straight answers on why our President pushed offshore oil drilling during his recent visit to Brazil. Here is what he said to the Brazilians.

“We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers. At a time when we’ve been reminded how easily instability in other parts of the world can affect the price of oil, the United States could not be happier with the potential for a new, stable source of energy.”

I wonder why he does not support our offshore drilling. It scares me to think he feels a Socialist State owned Brazilian Company is more worthy of our help than our own nations needs. Some feel our energy issues are more important than our lustful quest to drive our debt and nation into oblivion by buying votes from our own entrenched dependent “progressives”. It may be like many complicated issues, President Obama is only giving lip service to fellow beings in the cause and his words are hollow. Many feel he would never support any type of offshore oil drilling anywhere for any reason. I feel he is more comfortable supporting a Socialist concern in Brazil than a free enterprise effort here at home and the environment is apparently of little consequence when it comes to schmoosing comrades. What is clear now is that American banking interests and others have been looking to invest in Brazils offshore regions for several years and President Obama’s blessing although hypocritical is welcome as it helps the world and us in meeting our energy needs. I just wish he had the same interest here at home. There are many workers who need jobs here too. I guess selling a few drill bits and some pipe will have to do and our oil workers can remain wards of the State just like Brazils oil workers. All in all I guess life is good.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

NFL Players are just dumb.

The NFL is in disarray, the millionaire and billionaire whiners couldn’t come to an agreement and like most collective bargaining it was about principal not money. Well in the scheme of things their problems are a big fat zero in my book. The convoluted nature of antitrust and greedy parties is at best very nauseating and with the Government rules it makes for a grand Laurel and Hardy comedy now to be choreographed by greedy lawyers. Well gag me with a Ginsu.

The NFL parties haven’t got the rules to collective bargaining down at all. If the Players Union did it right they would have agreed to a contract long ago. First they must extort dues from members and give the money to the Owners and executives. They must also include large donations to Roger Goodell to codify the scheme. Although Roger is just the top figurehead of the Owners, his position on the bully palpate garners the paid for not so moral, moral ground.  With Union grease in place the Players Union would have a far friendlier group to bargain with and in fact their due money would buy off most owner opposition. As the open bribing of business executives may be frowned on, this open corruption may need to be given a legal basis in law. I would begin to seek a political Party willing to engage in such graft and make the required laws. Once this Political party crosses this line they will also need union dues to keep the scheme going.
It can be sold as (it is no different than any other collective bargaining, pull at the heart strings) we can never let the people use their heads as they may not be able to stomach the crony corruption. All in all legal crony corruption is the way to go and politicians do it best. The NFL Players Union members are fools indeed; I do pity their political naïveté.